The woman who eventually got my business looked down at my brows as I lay vulnerably on her table, and curtly stated, "Your eyebrows are a mess!" Maybe this is why I don't like spa treatments. I'm a big fan of self-deprecation, but hearing it from someone else, well that just mean! Then she inflicted a great deal of pain on me with only a thread, and told me that it would take about three months to make them look good, and that I MUST not touch them in between treatments. Do you know how difficult that is when I've got renegade eyebrows working their way down my face?
Today I looked in the mirror and was startled by two angry looking caterpillars staring back at me. How did they creep up on me like that? I made a call to my 'Eyebrow Nazi', but she can't see me until next week. Too bad Halloween is over. I could have gone as Martin Scorsese.
Hmmm....maybe I'll wait till the three months is up before I decide to try your Nazi. I have owned my own caterpillars since my wedding.
Accidental Irish
oh I hear the thread thing is very painful. I usually do the wax thing. Fast (painful, but fast). I had been plucking my own until my belly got too big to lean over the bathroom counter and get a good close look. They are nasty now and drive me nuts!
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