Sunday, March 02, 2008

Your Assistance is Required

I'm trying to get Pumpkin into her new room, and into her big-girl bed. So far, no luck. Tonight was a bit of a fiasco as she was overtired, so I shouldn't have even tried, but I do want to persevere. We were at a friends place today, and they have a tank of fish that Pumpkin was excited about. When we got home, Pumpkin kept asking for fish, so I told her that I'd get her one if she slept in her big-girl bed. Delayed gratification is not Pumpkin's strong point. I got her into the bed for her good-night stories, but when no fish appeared, she packed up her things and climbed back into the crib. Do you think that if I got her a fish and it lived in her new room, she might want to sleep in that room? Or instead, should I be a bit cruel and simply remove the crib from her old room? Any advice from all of you seasoned moms and dads? I've got four months until the new baby moves in, and I'd like there to be time between the two events.


Anonymous said...

Seasoned in her new room...

Whirlwind said...

Wow, oddly I never had that problem. Can you try having her nap in it?

Or maybe just cold turkey - take it apart and put it away, that way she doesn't have a choice. And early enough that she doesn't associate it with the baby taking her bed?

Anonymous said...

Sometimes too many changes at one time is difficult. MOving to a new room and to a bed from a crib is quite traumatic for kids this age.

Can you put the crib into her new room, so she can still sleep in a familiar bed, and slowly get used to her new room? This way she can SEE her big girl bed, and know that when she is ready, she can move into it.

This is what we did, and it worked fabulously - Linus moved into his big boy bed when he was ready. It worked fine for us, because Stewie slept with me for a while, and so didn't go into his room until Linus was well entrenched in a bed. (The morning after the first night he chose to sleep in it, we took the crib away, and that was that.)

Good luck!

mamatulip said...

I'd try the fish in her room. It doesn't hurt to try.

Does she have a sleeping bag that she could sleep in on her bed? You could really play up the sleeping bag bit and try to lure her into her bed via the sleeping bag. Just a thought.

Good luck!

kittenpie said...

I like Naomi's idea. For us, she was starting to climb out of her crib, and we also spent lots of time getting the new Big! Girl! Room! ready asnd hyping it up, and showing her the progress along the way, and by the time it was done, she knew it already, knew it would be hers, and was ready. Maybe stepping back for a day or two, letting her help you make a few adjustments, adn then trying again?

Chicky Chicky Baby said...

I'll be lurking in your comments because we're just about to do this ourselves. I even considered having two cribs for awhile because I really don't want to deal with this!

Good luck!