Monday, April 06, 2009

My Passover Culinary Expertise

Hellooooo!  Sorry I've been neglecting this space, but I've really enjoyed my break.  I think I might still be on a break, but I'm having a down-moment and I don't want to clean anymore today, and since dinner is already defrosting nicely, I figured I'd pop in.  So where were we?  Oh yeah, veterinarians and cooking.  Just for an update on Lucky, she is ok.  The growth on her foot was benign, and we pitched the lamp-shade thingy around her neck after one day when we realized that she wasn't going to rip off her bandages.  Our walls thank us for that one.  Recovery has been slow, but now with the right drugs, she should be back to her usual, looney self in no time.  Sometimes I think I deserve a degree of sorts in pharmacology with all the drugs I administer on a daily basis.  Every morning it's anti-seizure and liver-related meds to Taz; antibiotics, anti inflammatory, eye-drops, and the occasional estrogen pill for Lucky.  Every evening it's pretty much the same.  Don't I at least deserve a white coat and platform that makes me taller than everyone by a couple of inches?

I haven't put together any meals worth posting about since the Firecracker Chicken, but I have made progress in one culinary area.  If you recall my Passover post from last year, I set out to host a seder with my sister-in-law, but she ended up ordering up all the food, arranging for hired help, and taking care of getting the dining room at my FIL's house set up.  Ultimately, I did nothing.  Well this year, things are different.  This year, I took care of ordering the food!  Impressed?  Oh wait, it doesn't end there...  I'm actually going to prepare one of the dishes with my bare hands!  One whole dish!  I feel as though I've been catapulted into a whole different realm of Seder hosting, despite having 90% of the food catered.  Who knows?  Maybe next year I'll even make a second dish!  I'm outta control now!  Anyhow, if I don't make it back here to post in the next day or two, Happy Passover and/or Easter.  Lookin' forward to that Charlton Heston movie !


Chantal said...

Happy Passover to you my dear!

Naomi said...

But the big question, of course, is WHAT dish are you cooking?

Tania said...

Naomi, I'll be trying my hand at brisket, which I won't actually eat, but hopefully everyone else will. There's enough chicken to go around if I screw up royally.

motherbumper said...

Hey, I'm impressed with your 10% because that's about 10% more than I'd be doing in the same situation. I'd bring napkins and that's about it. Actually, I'm making the entire Easter dinner but no relatives, so no pressure. Anyhow, long of short: Happy Passover, I'm sure the brisket will be perfection.

karengreeners said...

I'll be making the brisket this year. First time, and I'm doing it in the slow-cooker, since I'll be at work all day on Wednesday. Not traditional, but should be good!

Paula Lynn Johnson said...

I tried to cook my inlaws a Seder meal one year and I wound up with a brisket like a cement block. Which is why I loooooove ordering food.

I think you deserve an honorary degree in pet pharmacology!

petite gourmand said...

I am all about Nortown this year.
Hope your "one" dish turned out well

happy passover

kittenpie said...

Hope th brisket was perfection...

My in-laws (or the MIL at least) is set on having a fancy, formal dinner out, as she did last year. Big difference - last year, the Bun was stikll in the oven. I'm so not impressed that she's not getting that a fancy formal dinner out is not compatible with a baby, yet wants it to be a family affair, so I shouldn't get a sitter, either. Rock and hard place? So instead, we are going to a fancy place at 4:30 so we can get out of their before people who want to enjoy their dinner in peace. It's stupid, but there you go, I'm told that people are compromising, so I should just be happy. Seriously. I mean, I don't need the world to revolve around my babe, but I have him, and if I'm not allowed to park him elsewhere, then her is a going concern, no? Ahem. Anyhow, rant over now, but thanks for letting me have at it because I don't think I can post that chez moi!