Monday, February 23, 2009

Big Sis

Recently I have posted about how my feelings towards Pumpkin were at an all-time low, and also about how her behaviour has improved since that particular post. Pumpkin's behaviour certainly isn't perfect, and I do believe that she is still doing research for her debut non-fiction book titled, How to Irritate People (chapter 1 : Methods of waving objects in the face of whomever is trying to strap you into your car seat), she does seem to have turned a corner. Her dialogue is now often relevant, and she can be reasoned with some of the time. The area where I am most impressed with her, and have always been impressed with actually, is her behaviour towards her new sister. I knew that there would be jealousy, and I believe that there is, but these feelings have never been taken out on Chichi. Hubby, the dogs, and I have suffered a great deal, but Chichi remains unscathed. When Chichi needs to be nursed, Pumpkin doesn't complain but instead hangs out in Chichi's room and plays. When Chichi eats her meals, Pumpkin often does things to make her laugh, enabling me to feed her more easily. When Chichi seems unhappy, Pumpkin worries and brings her toys. Pumpkin even chooses to have her bath with Chichi, even though she only gets about three inches of water to play in. I don't worry about leaving them alone in a room together. Just yesterday I walked into the playroom to find the two of them playing "nosies", which is just what we call it when we rub noses. Chichi seems to light up whenever Pumpkin enters the room. I love this, but I am also baffled.

I don't have a sister. I do, however, have a brother, and despite the fact that he will probably leave a comment denying any wrongdoing, he was pretty evil when we were little. I remember being punched in tune to the song that played whenever he completed a level of Donkey Kong Jr. I remember being denied the chips he was eating unless I was willing to walk in bare feet in the snow for ten seconds. I remember being flipped over backwards in rocking chairs, etc. I obviously can't remember how he treated me when I was a baby, but there is no record of him being nurturing whatsoever. I can't say that I believe that my two girls will always get along, or even get along for much of the time, but I am really enjoying how they are right now and wonder if they will have less sibling rivalry than my brother and I had to deal with. Regardless, right now I am just so very proud of Pumpkin for being the big sister that she is.


motherbumper said...

My brother and sister beat the living snot of me on a daily basis but they also protected me when it counted. Siblings rock.

karengreeners said...

Pretty amazing, isn't it? I feel proud that, even without my encouragement, Bee and Dove are becoming very close, playing together when awake, snuggling together in sleep.

As someone with two sisters (both close), that does a mother's heart good.

Anonymous said...

Interesting...not a word from big bro...LOL

Paula Lynn Johnson said...

Aww . . . I was the younger sibling and I was evil. Seriously. I knew how to get my older bro in trouble by fake-crying.

Anonymous said...

That's so nice, really. Pumpkinpie is doing well, now tht she is getting more rewaction from the Bun, who qalso just grins ear to ear when she shows up. The two were laughing their heads off together a week ago, and it was incredibly cute.