Tuesday, June 17, 2008

On a More Positive Note...

Ok, that was enough complaining. Thank you all for your words of support, but I shouldn't abuse your compassion. I'm ok, really. My bad days are probably better than many people's good days. As for the fatigue, hey, it gets me sympathy! Who doesn't like a good dose of that? Aside from all your comments, my mom and husband don't let me do much of anything now. If the phone rings, I just look at one of them and the phone is brought to me. If I don't make dinner, no one dares to comment. If Pumpkin needs something and I'm not the only one here to help, it becomes not my problem. When the cleaning lady is here (see, I told you my life is pretty good), I no longer feel guilty enough to get off my butt to do laundry, groceries, or a pre-clean. I can just sit there and look justified in doing so

How about that crazy heartburn? It has it's benefits too! Just today I was at Costco, noticed a club pack of Oreo Cakesters, and was immediately turned off by the inevitable heartburn that I knew I would suffer if I were to buy them. How many calories and grams of fat did that save me? Hey, I only have to be awakened once at 3am by the burning sensation of acid in my esophagus to know that such rich starches need to be avoided. Ok, maybe it took me three times to learn my lesson, but at least I didn't buy the box of oooey, goooey evil. Nothing seemed to stop me from buying a club pack of gourmet jelly beans, but there was a coupon! It was beyond my control.

As for my aching feet, it's all good. I get to wear sensible shoes to fancy events and no one dares to judge me. A few weeks back, I actually wore flip flops to a wedding. They were fancy flip flops, but flip flops nonetheless. I think I'll wear them again tonight to a dinner event. And if the event is unpleasant or boring, we can leave without need to explain ourselves. It is assumed that I'm already exhausted and tired. People will think I'm a trooper for being there in the first place!

So there it is - my positive take on the situation. It does help that Pumpkin is being much better today, and that my mom has been here since lunch time taking care of her. (It's also helpful to have a face full of jelly beans!)


Anonymous said...

Those are damn good positive points, minus the heartburn ;)

Chantal said...

there is always the good with the bad. Good on you for taking a positive spin. Those Jelly beans are awesome eh. I avoided the aisle or I would have left with a bag too. Enjoy the last few weeks.

katie said...

Damn Cakesters.

kittenpie said...

Me, I'm now to be denied sugar as well as salt, so my upside is that in the last month, I've only gained one pound, maybe 1.5. Still, it's making me cranky.

Nora said...

Mmmmm...jelly beans...and flip flops...life is good.. :-)

Run ANC said...

I always say you gotta milk the pregnancy excuse for all it's worth.

8 days to go! Wow!!!!!

Melissa said...

Now I want to be pregnant.