Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Blah Blah Blah

It's a typical night in our house. Pumpkin is asleep, J is working out, and I am desperately rummaging through the pantry in hopes of finding a morsel of chocolate or something that will satisfy me enough to stop eating. I just discovered that pistachio nuts go stale, while candy sprinkles do not seem to. Definitely culinary rock-bottom over here. I didn't even make dinner. Dinner prep time was forfeited in favour of physiotherapy, which made it a good night for Chinese take-out. We managed to get out for another round of mountain biking this past week-end, and now I am suffering for it, hence the physio appointment. We used to cycle every week-end as long as there was no snow, and now one day of fairly tame riding sends my neck into spasms. The upside is that I do so enjoy when the physiotherapist attaches electrodes to my neck and turns me into a human bobble head. Don't knock it until you try it! Anyhow, no more biking or biking opportunities for a while, so I'm still glad I got out, despite my inability to lift my arm over my head right now. Yup. Worth it. I'll just keep repeating that until it becomes true.

1 comment:

Her Bad Mother said...

Pistachios go stale? For realz? Bah. Gotta go check my cupboards...