Thursday, January 22, 2009

Just Venting

It isn't new that three year olds bust our chops more often than they behave, but OMG I AM READY TO DRIVE OFF A BRIDGE THIS MORNING!  I don't even want to give you the details because they are too stupid to even think about, but the combination of Pumpkin being an idiot; Chichi crying for whatever reason; dogs tripping me up in every direction; the leaky kitchen faucet; the fact that I have a physical in an hour and consequently am not permitted to eat, drink coffee, or have a shot of whisky, I am ready to break.  Yup, tears and all.  It's probably not great that I'm having my blood pressure tested this morning.  Deep breaths.  Deeeeep breaths.


Chantal said...

Oh I hate those days! Breath in, Breath out. Hugs!

Anonymous said...

Oh, yuck! Three kicked my ass but good. 4 is turning out to be slightly better.

Breathe. And chocolate. It helps. Really.

karengreeners said...

Sometimes, motherhood leaves me feeling so encumbered, I think I'm going to suffocate.

motherbumper said...

Today has been pure three hell and I don't have a bambino in the mix so the fact that you posted a coherent string of words means you are amazing.

And when you drive off the bridge or cliff, I'll be right beside you holding your hand.

crazymumma said...

Oh I know those mornings.and hey, you slam back whiskey in the mornings?


Barrie said...

I'd say you'll back on mornings like these and smile. But I'm still not smiling.... :) was your blood pressure at the doc's?

kittenpie said...

god, those mornings suck. /the fact that we've had three days without a major fight here is unbelievable, and I'm using it to try and build on, but normally? I'm in the shit with you, hon.