Thursday, October 04, 2007

Me So Happy!

I think EVERY DAY should be delurking day! Thirteen comments!!!!!! I thought my head would explode when I saw them all! A hearty thanks goes out to everyone, especially Redneck Mommy, who offered to show me her rack. I have arrived.


Kellan said...

Well ... I'll be your first comment today. Glad you had a great "delurking" day! I am new to blogging - so I seldom get many comments - but I'm working on that. Have a good day!

Karla Zamora, Digital Analyst said...

You're all set now Alley, with Redneck Mommy willing to give you a little glimpse you just can't go wrong...hehehehe:)

motherbumper said...

It's a damn fine rack to be offered lucky lady. I'm glad you had such an awesome delurking day :)

kittenpie said...

She will, too. We've seen it.
Sorry I missed in my crappy haze of misery, or I would have been #14.
Meanwhile, I missed my own chance to call out lurkers! Crap!
Glad it was such a success. And am finally getting it together to blogline you so I'll remember to come visit. (Am very disorganized.)